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Pulito Sviluppo | Doing Business in Italy

Italy shares a special relationship with the United States that rests on a rich history of culture and commerce. Recent developments have streamlined the process allowing foreign nationals to start businesses in Italy. Launched in 2021, “Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza” (PNRR) translates to English as the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP).

A product of the unity government formed at the height of fear during the Covid-19 pandemic, the PNRR is an ambitious plan to revitalize Italy and lay the groundwork for sustainable development in the future. At 273 pages long, it is an ambitious document. This post is the first in a series entitled “Pulito Sviluppo”, which will focus on specifics of the PNRR and current opportunities to start businesses in Italy. This post includes the original PNRR document and the document “Doing Business in Italy“, from the Italian Trade Agency.

Italia Domani is a valuable resource for information on the PNRR and this blog will highlight potential areas of opportunity to invest in Italy. Made in Italy is a valuable resource for investors and buyers to access authentic materials and merchandise which are certified by the Italian government. Consumer goods certified by the Made in Italy program are a visible source of quality at retail outlets across the United States.

There are options to start a business in Italy with anywhere from $5,000 to $50,000,000,000 – Pulito Sviluppo is your resource to understand them all!

Check this page soon for new features that will offer insight into the performance of the PNRR and other metrics related to investment in Italy!

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